Women for Afrika






Staff training




Women all over the world have completed the weekend
Women have completed the weekend in South Africa

The Woman Within SA Weekend is a challenging journey for women to go within to find their own solutions, whilst being held in a safe, non-judgemental and supportive space. By stepping through fear, women can discover their power within.

The Weekend provides a unique opportunity to look deep inside yourself,  to reclaim the lost or fragmented parts of yourself and to become aware of the unique gifts that you have, reconnecting yourself with the Woman Within you, and leaving you more in touch with your authentic self, to transform your life.

For some women, attending the Woman Within® Weekend is the opportunity to be heard as they discover their voice and speak their truth often for the first time. For others, it is having the space and time to experience intense emotions without judgement. Still for others it is the rare experience of compassion and strength created by women coming together to witness, accept, empower and honor themselves. This weekend can:

  • Help release both old patterns of behaviour and painful emotions.
  • Understand how to accept and connect to self and to love yourself.
  • Recognise self-limiting beliefs for what they are.
  • Release shame and guilt.
  • Access your inner wisdom and intuition.
  • Know that you have everything you need inside yourself.
  • Challenge growth and take risks for what you want.
  • Improve your relationships and deepen intimacy with others.

“Attending Women Within was one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. The extraordinary transformational power of direct experience immersed in a 100% safe environment with women was nothing short of life-changing. Having a weekend to bring and be my full self, and not hold back any emotions that arose, was deeply healing and was exactly what I needed at a catalytic turning point in my life. Without needing to think or analyse, I recognised what was holding me back, and had the opportunity to experience liberation from it. Highly recommended to anyone who is looking to explore themselves more deeply, both the pain and the joy, and to feel integration and freedom right down to a cellular level.”

What unfolds is intensive and every woman’s experience is different.

Based on 25 years’ practice around the world, the Weekend is a series of experiential activities, guided meditations and focused individual and group exercises. The Weekend is designed to help you break old patterns, to heal deep wounds and to reclaim your power.

The journey within offers the opportunity to reconnect with your inner wisdom that knows what is right for you.

The Weekend is a space for you to find your own solutions, to discover greater self-awareness and to discover the gifts which you hold inside.

Woman Within is NOT therapy, nor is it a quick fix to get out of pain.

The one-to-one staff ratio allows for personal attention and ensures that you are witnessed and supported as you reclaim your passion for life and belief in yourself.

The programme runs from Friday 6.00pm to Sunday at approximately 5.00pm. We ask that you arrive well rested.

Women, aged 18 years or more, in all stages of their “journey” can and do gain from the Woman Within experience. It is designed in such a way that each woman will find her own path.

We trust that each woman intuitively knows what is right for her. The Weekend provides the tools to delve deeper into your own inner wisdom and see which parts of yourself need further acknowledgement and integration, so that you can live your life to the fullest. We are there to support you — in all your potential and power, with all your shadows and challenges — to be who you want to be. The only requirement for attendance is an openness to experiencing yourself.

The Woman Within Weekend is our signature programme and has helped over 1,000 women in South Africa and over 15,000 women worldwide to transform their life.

The investment per weekend is currently R 4900 with limited bursaries available in some cases. Payment plans and payment options are also available.  Your contribution goes towards covering the airfare, international facilitator fees as well as the royalties for the weekend Workshop. It also covers your accommodation and all meals as this is a residential programme. Staying on-site is an essential part of the weekend and is mandatory. The Weekend is held just outside Cape Town. Travel information is provided closer to the weekend.

You have the opportunity of joining a “Woman Within Circle” after the weekend. This is a group of women who have completed the training and wish to come together to support, encourage, and challenge one another in the continuation of their journey which began on their weekend. Again, this circle is not intended to replace therapy. This circle is the opportunity to continue your healing, growth and connection. How this looks is a guided circle for either 8 weeks or a 2 day intensive from which your circle is formed.

A one day Enneagram Workshop
Date: 2020 TBC
Venue: 164 Milner Rd, Claremont
Facilitator: Zeldi Hall
Donations from: R850
Open to all women and men
To find out more about this workshop, click here.
Click here to register
A one day workshop for Woman Within Weekend Graduates to sit in circle with other women and have an opportunity to take a look at an aspect of your life you would like to work on, as well as to receive the gifts that witnessing other women often bring.
Date: 1 February 2020
Venue: 164 Milner Rd, Claremont
Facilitators: Anthea Swift & Liane Durra with the local facilitation team
Suggested donation: R800. But we will welcome any donation that suites your budget!
This is a fundraising event. Money raised will go towards sponsorships for 2020 weekends.
Open to Woman Within Weekend Graduates
To find out more about this workshop, click here.
Click here to register

Amazing workshop

International best seller

Be Your Best Possible You!