“It is a catalyst for my self-development. It has provided a space for me to process my “stuff sufficiently, so that I can move forward to a more fulfilling life- closer to my truth.”

Carpet Day Workshop

A day non-residential workshop.

We are very excited to announce that Anthea, Liane and Marina, together with WFA, have put together a Carpet Day Workshop. This workshop gives Woman Within graduates an opportunity to spend the day working with a facilitation team to do a piece of carpet work in the same way as on your weekend. It is also a wonderful way for us to raise funds for sponsorships for the 2020 weekends.  You will sit in circle with women and have an opportunity to take a look at an aspect of your life you would like to work on, as well as receive the gifts that witnessing other women often bring.

Who can attend?
Completion of the Woman Within Weekend required.

Who will lead it?

Anthea Swift & Liane Durra and other Woman for Afrika facilitators.

How much will it cost?

This is a fundraising event. Money raised will go towards sponsorships for 2020 weekends.
Donations from R800

When and where and how do I sign up?
Click here to the upcoming workshops page.

What if I have questions?  workshops@wfa.org.za

Woman Within welcomes all women and prohibits discrimination based on race, colour, gender, national origin, age, religion, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Woman Within Skills Workshop

A 2 day non-residential workshop.

After your Weekend, you may be full of energy, yearning to enrich your relationships from this new place. This workshop is a chance for you to take what you reclaimed at your Weekend and gain new skills to help you integrate these parts of yourself – and to support others, from a place of wholeness.

What will I get from it?

  • Move beyond the wound and into your essence
  • Incorporate leadership skills into your life
  • Claim your authentic self by transforming your shadow
  • Form deeper connections with yourself and others
  • Be accountable for the gold you have reclaimed
  • Intensify and integrate the power of that gold

Enjoy as you learn:

  • To deepen your experience of working with women
  • To integrate accountability, boundaries and authenticity
  • To enrich relationships through Holistic Listening
  • To appreciate, trust and use your Intuition
  • Innovative Shadow Work experiences
  • Creative Facilitation Skills and Practice
  • Ritual, ceremony and container building

Who can attend?

  • Completion of the Woman Within Weekend required.
  • For women over 18 years young

Who will lead it?

Woman for Afrika facilitators.

How much will it cost?

The investment is R2000 for a two day non-residential workshop

When and where and how do I sign up?

Click here to the upcoming workshops page.

What if I have questions?

Contact workshops@wfa.org.za

Woman Within welcomes all women and prohibits discrimination based on race, colour, gender, national origin, age, religion, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Enneagram Workshop

Join us for a one-day exploration workshop into your core motivations and drives through the ancient and powerful wisdom of the Enneagram system.

“If we observe ourselves truthfully and non-judgmentally, seeing the mechanisms of our personality in action, we can wake up, and our lives can be a miraculous unfolding of beauty and joy.” – Don Richard Riso, The Wisdom of the Enneagram

The Enneagram is a system of Nine core personality styles that are all equally valuable and important with its own unique gifts and challenges.  Unlocking the wisdom of the Enneagram will support you to see clearly the patterns of your personality, the gifts associated with it and the ways in which you may remain trapped and held back by unconscious personality patterns.  

The workshop will support you in the following ways:

  • Gain insight into the Enneagram System with its layers and complexities.
  • Discover the Enneagram Style that resonates most with you.
  • Become more aware of the motivational patterns that drive your personality.
  • Learn about the other Enneagram Styles in yourself and what these styles can offer you and how to access them in a skillful way.
  • Explore the ‘warning signs’ for going into less healthy behaviour.
  • Develop your head, heart and gut intelligence’s to support you in everyday life.
  • Become more self-aware and make healthy choices to support you better.
  • Gain a greater understanding of the motivation of the other styles and how to relate with more awareness and wisdom. 

The one-day workshop will be highly interactive and will draw from the experience and wisdom of everyone in the room.  No previous experience with the Enneagram is required to attend this workshop.

Who can attend?

  • This workshop is open to all women and men.

Who will lead it?

Zeldi Hall works with an Integral approach, taking into consideration the various aspects and layers of complexity that the client experiences in their world. Having been trained and certified with world leaders in the field, she uses the rich transformational system of the Enneagram to support groups, teams and individual clients with their most important business and life challenges.

Zeldi believes in supporting people through empowering them to have sustainable solutions for fulfillment in their life experience.

How much will it cost?

This is a donation based workshop, so all monies raised will go towards sponsorships. The suggested donation is R850 but you can also make a donation based on your budget.

When and where and how do I sign up?

Click here to the upcoming workshops page.

What if I have questions? 

You can contact Zeldi Directly: zeldi@beyondpossibility.co.za

Woman Within Level 2: Archetypes of the Castle

(Formerly Woman Within® Wholeness Workshop)

What is the Woman Within Level 2: Archetypes of the Castle?

This advanced 5-day program uses the metaphor of the castle to help you look at nine archetypal energies in your life (shadow, infant, child, adolescent, lover, mother, warrior, crone, queen), through a series of 45 minute presentations with discussion; followed by an experiential process for each, all led by Woman Within Weekend Leaders, Facilitators and Facilitators-in-Training. If you’re ready to create and give voice to your mission in life, you’ll love this inspiring, meaningful workshop.

What will I get from it?

  • Recognize the parts of you that are dominant and the parts that are submissive
  • Make the choice to use all of the power of who you are
  • Learn more about each of the nine basic archetypes, how your behavior relates to them and how you can use them in your life

Using the metaphor of the castle you explore nine archetypal energies to:

  • Create and give voice to your mission in life
  • Transform your shadows to gold
  • Renew the trust and innocence of your infant
  • Recreate the magic in life through your child
  • Know yourself and cut free from adolescent messages
  • Open your lover’s heart to embrace your beauty and release shame
  • Create and nurture a renewed inner mother relationship
  • Meet your warrior – learn to set boundaries and protect your mission
  • Learn to hold the balance of life and death through the wisdom of crone
  • Empower your queen to take her place in the world

Who can attend?

  • Completion of the Woman Within Weekend required.
  • For women over 18 years young
  • This workshop is also for women who would like to enter the Woman Within Facilitation and Leadership Tracks

Who will lead it?

Woman Within Workshop Leaders Monica Robinson and Esther Robertson; Facilitators Jeanine Baker and Christie Miller, plus 3-4 presenter/facilitators will assist.

How much will it cost?

This depends on where in the world you choose to do the workshop.


When and where and how do I sign up?

Click here to the upcoming workshops page.

For the next available Workshop and costing please check the Woman Within Website: www.womanwithin.org

What if I have questions?

Contact info@womanwithin.org / www.womanwithin.org

Woman Within welcomes all women and prohibits discrimination based on race, colour, gender, national origin, age, religion, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Woman Within Shedding Shame Workshop

A 2 day residential workshop.

Explore how shame may be standing between you and fully loving yourself. In this experiential Workshop, you’ll learn how to recognize and understand the shame you carry. Give yourself this chance to forgive and accept yourself – and even make shame an ally – so you can move toward fully loving yourself. This workshop is a chance for you to…

  • Discover the origin of your shame and how it may be changing the chemistry of who you are
  • Come to realize how shame impacts and alters your life
  • Learn how to transform this invasive, subtle and life-depleting force
  • Listen to messages from your shame that can serve you
  • Learn through physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual exercises

There are no prerequisites for this workshop. Open to any woman over 18.

Marlene Nappa, BSc, MSc, who created this workshop, will facilitate it. Marlene is an executive life coach, personal growth workshop leader, professor, consultant and author who has worked with thousands of individuals and groups worldwide to help them reach their highest potential. She was a highly respected Woman Within Weekend Leader for 18 years.

The shedding shame workshop only comes to South Africa every 2 years, so watch the upcoming events page for workshop information.

Vision Board Workshop

Join us for a morning Vision Boarding, creating a sacred space that displays what you want to achieve and brings it to life. What you focus on expands. When you create a vision board and place it in a space where you see it often, you essentially end up doing short visualization exercises throughout the day. The Law of Attraction… is a powerful, universal law that provides the opportunity to shape our lives and attract our deepest & greatest desires.

What will I get from it?

Vision boards are very right brain, so they use your creative side to harness your imagination, intuition, and holistic way of thinking. It requires that you focus on only a few things at a time, and really decide what resonates with you. Do I really need to live in a mansion or just somewhere with a sense of space? The use of images creates emotional connections, which according to experts on manifesting intention is fundamental to making them real.

Who can attend?

  • This workshop is open to all women.

Who will lead it?

Marina hold a Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) degree as well as a Graduate Diploma in Counselling, both from the South African College of Applied Psychology. I am also a registered member of the Council of Counsellors of South Africa (Reg. No. 0874). In addition, she has completed Dr Rinda Blom’s introductory and advanced play therapy workshops.

Marina believes that setting an intention brings clarity. It is about creating meaning and purpose in what she does in her work, with clients and in her personal growth. Setting intentions can help focus you on why you’re doing something (clarity), why it’s important to you (meaning) and how it moves you closer to your values (purpose). 

How much will it cost?

This is a donation based workshop, so all monies raised will go towards sponsorships. The suggested donation is R350 but you can also make a donation based on your budget.

When and where and how do I sign up?

Click here for the upcoming workshops page to check.

What if I have questions? 

You can contact Marina directly: marina@completeclarity.co.za

Workshops Offered in South Africa

Women for Afrika offer most of the Woman Within Workshops in South Africa. Women For Afrika (WFA) has entered an International Hosting Agreement (IHA) with Woman Within International (WWI) which sets the Base rates, and fixed expenses per workshop. Inclusivity is a key criteria for all workshops, so where possible, are offered in both the Western Cape and Gauteng. This also extends to the workshop location, needing to be central so that everyone can attend. The costs of the workshops are determined by the following:

  • The set Base Prices by WWI as per our IHA
  • Revenue share (for the intellectual property of the workshop which is 10% of the set Base Price)
  • Presenters Fees
  • Presenters lodging and meals (where applicable)
  • Presenter travel (where applicable)
  • Workshop Venue / food
  • Workshop supplies

We do our best to keep the workshop prices lower than what is set by Woman Within International.

Offer your own workshop!

In line with our vision of supporting women on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through education and training, we would like to create further opportunities of partnerships with women in our community through three options:   these being full support, partial support or advertising to our database.
Are you an active member of the Women for Afrika community who is a qualified trainer offering training and workshops that focus on the empowerment, support and self development of women? Would you be interested in offering your training to our community? If you are, then we would love to hear from you.

Please contact us on workshops@wfa.org.za for more information.